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Sunday, August 14, 2011

White Powder - on the side

A few days ago, a good friend of mine, Sarah Bell, mentioned that she painted a self-portrait amidst the chaos of her home. Having five sons under the age of 10, it is understandable why she might need a few fleeting moments to herself now and then.

The idea stuck with me and a few days later, during a hectic week at work, it occurred to me that perhaps I should quickly draw a really bad cartoon of how I felt at the moment. I had just printed a small part of the prep list for the kitchen that week and was feeling largely overwhelmed.

I am completely aware of the lack of drawing skillz being presented here, yet there was a certain level of enjoyment that I experienced, both in drawing badly and showing my artwork to my co-workers.

Here is Day one, which was August 10, 2011:

Among my friends, there has been a bright revival of Arrested Development quoting. So the use of the catchphrase, "Come on!" was used intentionally. I don't always intend to draw myself in negative situations, but sometimes it's the frustrating moments that get me all worked up, that end up having the most material for humor. Especially when I can see the ridiculous in myself and laugh about it later.

All in all, the week of enormous prep, went smoothly, with only one night where I had to stay especially late. That was Thursday, August 11, 2011 and I drew this cartoon:

I knew that no matter what, I had to complete my work before I could leave Thursday. Friday was my day off, and I knew that I would not have time to finish anything Saturday, which was the day of the big party that we were prepping for, in addition to KRLD's Restaurant Week.

The stress was mounting as the morning progressed, and I realized more and more, that I would be unable to complete my work and leave at a decent time, taking a few moments again to draw a really bad cartoon, did much to cheer me up and relieve a bit of the tension.

One of the server's came back to the kitchen and asked me if I was "feeling on edge today". I replied, "Look at this cartoon and answer your own question." She laughed (nervously), and then quickly left the kitchen.

For those of you who don't know Bradford Hodgkins, he was my Sous Chef when I first worked at The Second Floor. Fantastic guy, amazing manager and hilarious to boot! He found this 3 foot pipe and marked "BBC" on one end. I asked him what that meant and his reply was, "B*tch be cool." Pulp Fiction reference? I like to think so. We also have a chain whip and other articles of torture around that may be used in moments of extreme necessity. (Disclaimer: I promise. Line cooks are NEVER tortured or abused. At least not where the security cameras are filming.)

Friday was my day off, so I spent my morning at Oddfellows, my favorite new place to eat and drink world-class coffee. Someone told me today that their espresso machine alone, cost $24,000.00, being one of only a handful of such machines in the entire U.S. That's some serious espresso people. After eating the best Miga's of my existence (seriously, I had to close my eyes and hold on to the table a few times - When Harry Met Sally style).

After I finished my breakfast, I spent a couple hours typing recipes for work. We changed the menu a few weeks ago and sitting there I started thinking of hobbits and second breakfast's and elevenses, which got me thinking about drawing this:
It was a lovely morning and the time spent working on my day off was greatly improved by my environment. Hardly felt like work really. I resisted the urge to partake in Elevenses, but it was tempting.

This catches us up to yesterday, the day of the big party. Bat Mitzvah for 90 people. I got to work a few minutes early hoping to get a good leg-up on the day. This was not to be. Within the first fifteen minutes of arriving, I managed to spill an entire bain marie (kitchenese for large cylindrical metal container), 2-3 Gallons of beaten eggs. We easily go through this amount of beaten eggs everyday, used for omelettes, scrambled eggs and fritattas.

All in all, the day went swimmingly. By the time 11am rolled around, things were neat and in order, and the luncheon went more smoothly than I had imagined possible. I even left work by 3:30, along with a large sack of contraband (read 'leftovers')!

I am off today, since it's Sunday, but I just drew this from something that happened a few days ago:

Often, there are several layers of languages lost in translation when the people who take orders are bilingual and the guests staying in rooms are also bilingual, with English not necessarily being their strongest language. The tickets we receive in the kitchen are often, quite humorous.

This person had specifically requested, "White powder on the side" for their pancakes and waffles.

I think this is quite enough for my first official really bad cartoon post. Hopefully, much more to come!

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