Disclaimer: Please know I mean no disrespect to those suffering from Aspberger's Syndrome.
Sometimes I think we could have a reality show filmed in our kitchen.
Oh, kitchen humor. There are days when we are hilarious, at least we think so.
A few days ago, J asked me how many berries we would need for the big party on Saturday. Since I really did not have any idea, I looked around, made the shape of a bowl with my arms, then picked up the corners of my apron, as if it was full of something and said, "This much." J rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen. However, I died laughing. I think I'm hilarious.
Later that afternoon, I asked J about a quantity of another item that we would need. J quickly picked up the corners of his apron and said, "This much." This time, I couldn't stop laughing for a while. I would stop and then start again.
The next morning at work, there was a prep list on the board, very top was "Berries: Sarah's Apron Full"
See, the humor in our kitchen is much like Arrested Development. It's layered. Someone else won't get the joke unless you explain it. Sometimes someone will walk into the kitchen and I will be laughing. The immediate plea is, "I wanna laugh." It's a simple request for a story to be re-told.
I love telling stories.
Nice one!